분류 전체보기 (160) 썸네일형 리스트형 오랜만이야. 영어로 I haven't seen you in ages. / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸I haven't seen you in ages.오랜만이야. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. No, I haven't seen you in ages! And, Loretta,I haven't seen you in ages. https://instagram.com/study.rooomyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@study.rooomy 살짝 엿보자 영어로 Let's take a peek. / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸Let's take a peek.살짝 엿보자! 살펴보자! So let's take a peek at it, shall we? Wait, let's take a peek first. Let's take a peek into that head of yours. Let's take a peek inside, huh? And at the end of the week,well, let's take a peek. https://instagram.com/study.rooomyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@study.rooomy 날 실망시키지마 영어로 Don't let me down. / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸 Don't let me down.날 실망시키지마 Please don't let me down. Don't let me down, OK? Come on, baby, don't let me down. https://instagram.com/study.rooomyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@study.rooomy 내 편 들어줘 영어로 Back me up. / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸Back me up.내 편 들어줘, 도와줘 Back me up. Barney, back me up. Do you back me up, please, bro? Is it so hard to back me up? Get in here and back me up! Uncle Ted, please back me up here. I want you to back me up, okay? The Secret Service would back me up. I mean, why didn't you back me up? Promise me next time you'll be back me up. Can you back me up on this, Sophia? https://inst.. 한번 해 봐 영어로 Give it a shot. / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸Give it a shot.한번 해 봐 Let's give it a shot. All right, let's give it a shot. Can I give it a shot? I think we should give it a shot. Why don't you give it a shot anyway? Let me give it a shot. David, maybe we should give it a shot. Maybe we can both give it a shot tonight. Why don't you give it a shot? 새해 복 많이 받으세요 프랑스어로 Bonne année! / #프랑스어 #프랑스어공부 #프랑스어회화 🇫🇷 오늘의 프랑스어 표현 🇫🇷Bonne année!새해 복 많이 받으세요! Bonne année, Annie. Bonne année Albert. Bonne année, mesdemoiselles. Ah, Hubert, bonne année. Bonne année, les jeunes. Bonne année, Edith. Bonne année, monsieur. Il est d'une très bonne année. 시간이 촉박해 영어로 Time is ticking. / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸Time is ticking.시간이 촉박해 Well, time is ticking. Time is ticking away. The clock is ticking now. You know, time is ticking. Time is ticking. Sophia, time is ticking. Time is ticking, Dean. In any case, time is ticking. 그만 좀 해 영어로 Knock it off! / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸Knock it off!그만 좀 해! Knock it off! Knock it off, Hudson. Would you just knock it off? Knock it off, moron. Well, knock it off, Gallagher. Could you please knock it off? Knock it off, you idiot! Why don't you just knock it off? Knock it off, guys. Knock it off, boy. https://instagram.com/study.rooomyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@study.rooomy [구동사 연습] 넘어지다, 떨어지다 영어로 fall down 💛 / #영어회화 #구동사 🇬🇧 영어 구동사 연습하기 🇺🇸fall down넘어지다, 떨어지다, 실패하다 Did you fall down? When did the buildingfall down? He did fall down a well. Leslo, did you fall downa hole again? Did you fall down and smack your little head on the pavement? Listen, man, sometimes in life, we fall down and it hurts, okay? Why do starsfall down from the sky? https://instagram.com/study.rooomyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@study.roo.. 나 안 취했어 영어로 I'm sober. / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸I'm sober.나 안 취했어, 나 멀쩡해! I'm sober now. I'm actually sober. I'm not drinking. I'm sober. You're sober? I've never been at a partywhere I'm sober. I'm sober! I can do it! And I can drive drunkwhile I'm actually sober! 다이어트 중이야 영어로 I'm on a diet. / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸I'm on a diet.다이어트 중이야 No, I'm on a special diet. Do you want a bite?I'm on a diet. But thank you. Oh, no, thanks. I'm on a diet. My wife is on a diet. I've been on a diet every daysince I was nineteen. https://instagram.com/study.rooomyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@study.rooomy [구동사 연습] 가리다, 숨기다, 은폐하다 영어로 cover up 💛 / #영어회화 #구동사 🇬🇧 영어 구동사 연습하기 🇺🇸cover up가리다, 숨기다, 은폐하다 Oh, God! Cover up! Cover up your dork pouch. I helped you cover upTravis's murder. Don't cover up. Covered it up We need to cover up and lock all the windows. He's going to ask you to cover up a murder. But your curtains cover upthe light anyway. They didn't cover up anything. Mom, maybe you should cover up. https://instagram.com/study.rooomyhttp.. [구동사 연습] 미루다, 연기하다 영어로 put off 💛 / #영어회화 #구동사 🇬🇧 영어 구동사 연습하기 🇺🇸put off미루다, 연기하다 I know you put off college. I'm so sorry toput off our dinner. We shouldn't put off enjoying...what we have. You're gonna have to put offgoing to New York. We should put off moving. I can't put it off any longer. Why put off till tomorrowwhat we can do tonight? 뭐든지 물어봐 영어로 Ask away. / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸Ask away.뭐든지 물어봐 Can I ask a question?Ask away! Ask away.Any question you like. Chuck, can i ask you a question?Ask away. Fine, ask away. Of course. Anything at all.Ask away. Okay, ask away. https://instagram.com/study.rooomyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@study.rooomy 말도 안 돼! 무엇이든! 프랑스어로 N’importe quoi. / #프랑스어 #프랑스어공부 #프랑스어회화 🇫🇷 오늘의 프랑스어 표현 🇫🇷N’importe quoi.말도 안 돼, 무엇이든. Il dit n'importe quoi. N'importe quoi, papa. Non, c'est n'importe quoi. Tu dis n'importe quoi. Elle dit absolumentn'importe quoi. Putain, mais c'est n'importe quoi. T'es con, n'importe quoi. N'importe quoipour épater les gens. * épater 깜짝 놀라다 과찬이십니다 영어로 That's flattering / #영어회화 #영어공부 🇬🇧 오늘의 영어표현 🇺🇸That's flattering.과찬이십니다 *flatter 아첨하다 That's incredibly flattering. Really? That's flattering. Wow, that's so flattering, merci. You flatter me. Thanks, Bill. That's flattering. That's flattering. Why? Oh, I mean, that's flattering. Don't flatter yourself. https://instagram.com/study.rooomyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@study.rooomy 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 10 다음